Windows and Mac Support

Computers are meant to help us right? Then why does it feel that you spend so much of your time trying to get things done where the computer is so slow.

Sometimes they are so much of a headache because something just isn’t working and you just need it fixed as it starts to interrupt your work production.

More often than not there is a good reason as to why systems run slow and there is usually a bottleneck somewhere either locally on your computer, or on the network.

It could have come about from some new software being installed, a malicious virus, new hardware being added to the network, or just the actual computer isn’t performing properly.

A lot of IT companies will look only at the single computer which may speed things up a little but ultimately is a plaster over the underlying problem.

The senior technicians at Winnet Computer Solutions are trained to look at your entire system as a whole as well as individual workstations, both Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac.

Bad configurations or a network that has grown organically are the main suspects. There are also occasions when old equipment simply isn’t up to the job anymore and computers need to be cleaned up or replaced.

When know what to advice and when to ensure your business can actually use your computers and IT network for work, rather than having them act as a hindrance to it.

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