Cloud Services

The way that businesses and individuals work is changing rapidly and the buzz words that are definitely here to stay are “cloud” services, “cloud” computing and Software as a Service (SaaS)

All this information can be baffling and like many people you are sure there are some advantages to your business there but are unsure how or what you should be looking at.

Google and Microsoft are releasing new and exciting products and services frequently and so it is a very exciting time for cloud-based offerings. There is also a lot of talk about how much cheaper cloud computing is as you only pay for what you need.

At Winnet Computer Solutions we have been offering our clients cloud based services for nearly 2 years and certainly in some cases as industry standards for the last 6 years so you could say that we have some experience in this area.

The first and only important question that you need to ask yourself is “What advantage is this giving me”.

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