Located minutes from Colombo, Sri Lanka, GOKULAM Children's Home is the perfect haven for destitute and orphaned children. The home serves as a benchmark for service organization around the country. Its quality driven comprehensive care is a demonstration of the high standards other organization strives to attain. There are 115 children sheltered at the Home and of them 35 are affected by the Tsunami.

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Outing to Guruge National Park

17th December, 2007

The children go to the Theater and visit the "Guruge National Park" on the 17th December 2007. This was sponsored by the Lions CLub of Ceder Valley - Canada and the Lions Club of Colombo Mutual Town (DIST. 306B). more

Cultural Program
6th October 2007

The children attended the Ratha Yatra Festival and performed programs in music & dance. Many  well-wishers attended and enjoyed the children's program. more

Prize Winners
June 2007



Two children win prizes in the art & essay competition conducted by the Seylan Merchant Leasing Ltd more



Winners entertain the children

11th August, 2007


A popular Indian Television broadcast - Vijay TV conducted a Super Singer Junior competition. The winners visited our Gokulam Home to entertain the children of the Home on 11th August 2007. see more

The New year celebration!

14th April, 2007


Shakti TV - a famous national TV station came to our orphanage to celebrate the Sinhala/Tamil new year on the 14th April 2007. more









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