Donate Today

For Gokulam – Bhaktivedanta Children’s Home to provide the life our children deserve, we rely on the support of donors. We and our children have been blessed by those who have given so much in the past, but as we need to expand and improve our facilities, more funds and supplies are desperately needed.

Because Gokulam plans to bring in 100 more children who were orphaned by the tsunami, we ask for your support in the expansion of our facilities to accommodate this new increase in children. Contributions will furthermore allow us to fulfill our goal of supporting 250 children in the future.

Child Sponsorship

I wish to Sponsor a Child for $35/month.

(12 month sponsorship)

(All donations are tax deductible)

One Time Donation

I wish to Support the Children's Home.

Here is my one-time donation:
(All donations are tax deductible)

You can wire your donations through

For generous donations to the building and expansion fund of the following amounts, an engraving of your name on a plaque will be on display in the main building.

Gold Plaque SL Rs. 500,000 $5,000 USD
Silver Plaque SL Rs. 200,000 $2,000 USD
Bronze Plaque SL Rs. 100,000 $1,000 USD
A Special Child

Salini Kumar
5 Years Old
Salini is a very happy and healthy five year old child. She was born on Feb 24, 1999. Her hobby is reading, and her ambition is to become a Tamil teacher. In school Salini enjoys math and Tamil classes the most. Like many young girls at Gokulam, she loves music and dance class.

Copyright © 2005 Gokulam – Bhaktivedanta Children’s Home. All rights reserved.